This post is intended to help reduce your anxieties, and to reassure you that I'm being open with my agenda - to get you to try and, hopefully, buy my software. My programs have been on the Web for several years now, and I've gotten unsolicited emails about them. There's quite a few awards (check out the list at for details) but more importantly, several of my programs have been certified as free of viruses, spyware, and other malware by several independent download sites.
The download and monitoring sites are,, and Four of my programs have been checked so far and certified clean by one or more of them. I've put three of them in this post.
My flagship program is StopMotion Station, which turns a PC and an Windows DirectX compatible image source into a single frame movie camera and advanced movie viewer. (Perfect for creating classic animation, of course!) Here are the certifications it's received. (All links should open a new browser tab or window.)

Anti-virus report 1
Anti-virus report 2
SuggestSoft download page


Naturally, I'm very pleased by these reports.
The freware program that I really want you to try is FlipView Free. It looks at a folder of JPG images as a flipbook, from 0 to 30 real frames per second and virtual frame rates up to 90,000 frames per second. I'm just working on a minor update and will have it done and checked for malware soon. Meanwhile, the current version (on the freeware page at has been checked by

SoftPedia's listing for FlipView Free.
My freeware program StopMotion Camera (at, where else, captures JPG images, one at a time, from DirectX compatible cameras and image sources. StopMotion Camera and FlipView Free together let you shoot classic animation and view it instantly. Check out the Free Animation video on the freeware page of my site. StopMotion Camera has been checked out by

SoftPedia's listing for StopMotion Camera.
I have more software for creating classic cinema on But as I note in this page in the StopMotion Station Help file, a program reflects the programmer's personality - and doesn't necessarily make sense to its users. I made a movie about this idea way back in 1994. There's some Deluxe Paint animation here, from the glory days of the Amiga. The movie finally reveals what users do - or want to do - when prompted to "Strike any key when ready".
This film was shot in super-8, in a style deliberately imitating silent films. It premiered at the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers $100 film festival that year, and I had the chance to ask the audience how many people thought they understood it. Only one hand went up - and he was a programmer. I think now most people would get it.
Feel free to comment on the movie or on this post. The movie is on Google video at When What?.
1 comment:
Wow! I'm learning to create animation and wondering for tips to design animation. but i can not find download link Thanks!
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