Following my resolve: it's just 12:45 mountain daylight time and here's a post. Writing a bit about what I'm doing should be a nice break from the work - although it would be very easy to forget.
Here's me in the QAS classroom, set up so my notebook feels more like a desktop machine. Animators are everywhere today! (Photo by Alan Ferguson)

And here's a screenshot of what I'm doing - I've set up my first shot (this camera angle will appear several times in the movie) and done a trial capture; it's showing in FlipView. The rig is working - and now to animate.

It's now 6:20 pm and I'm making some progress; I have an assembly totalling 32 seconds so far. All of us animators are concentrating and it's actually quiet in here... Here's an image from what I've done. A pencil tapping on my head...